International Contracts

TSI aims to provide impact-focused services and solutions that result in improved lives of people, communities and populations at greatest risk of experiencing early mortality as a result of the lack of quality health care services and proper education on the prevention and management of diseases and disabilities.

We have experience in establishing international collaborative venture which have resulted in in-place partnerships with key global organizations in Africa, the Republic of Georgia, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean countries.

GHS Technical Assistance Republic of Georgia. TSI provided an infection control consultant to conduct training for IC methods in Georgian health care facilities. The IC consultant will also work with local IC practitioners on adapting existing guidelines for IC and to pilot these adaptations so that they can be standardized and used nationally. TSI assigned personnel are providing technical assistance and support services consisting of: developing training materials, conducting trainings on IC practices, conducting mentorship visits and conducting assessments of existing IC guidelines inclusive of adapting existing IC guidelines into practical, applicable standard procedures that can be implemented in Georgian healthcare facilities.  Guidelines are produced in Georgian and comprised of a handbook and posters to be posted in healthcare locations.

Community-based surveillance for and socio-economic impact of Brucella cases and infection in humans and animals in all households in Kajiado County, Kenya. The overall goal of this project is to perform risk mapping for brucellosis by identifying the counties in Kenya at high risk of Brucella infection in human and animals, followed by determining the burden of disease and socio-economic impact of Brucella infection to households in high risk counties. This study seeks to determine the burden of disease (incidence) in humans and animals in a high- risk counties (Kajiado), including training on routine testing (agglutination test and PCR). TSI conducted a community-based active case finding of acute Brucella cases in cattle, sheep, goats, and camels in 1000 randomly selected households and a hospital-based surveillance for acute Brucella cases in humans in 3 health facilities within Kajiado County.  Due to the long incubation periods of brucellosis in humans, serial sampling was also performed. The expected outcome is determining whether similar subtypes in humans and animals existed, further supporting human-animal cross-infection.

Enhancing ongoing acute respiratory illness and encephalitis surveillance Establishing health facility-based acute febrile illness surveillance; evaluation of applications of RDTs.  TSI developed the TaqMan Array Card PCR system to interrogate a single respiratory specimen (CDC) or stool (UVA) for multiple pathogens for syndromes of pneumonia and diarrhea, respectively. TSI procured necessary supplies as a result of the expansion of the research study in Kenya. TSI also worked closely with the University of Virginia School of Medicine to ensure quality control.

CDC CGH Domestic, Technical, Operational and Professional Support Services (DTOPS) and Domestic and Professional Administrative Support Services (DPASS) contracts.  Under these contracts we manage, design, implement and support CDC’s global health programs and activities to include HIV/AIDS, other Infectious Diseases, Global Disease Detection, training of staff and populations, and basic education activities.  We engaged Global Health Specialists, Laboratory Specialists and Technicians, Medical and Scientific SME’s and Field Support staff (epidemiologists, infectious disease doctors and nurses), Medical Technologists, Microbiologists, Public Health Analysts/Advisors, and Training Specialist to assist CDC organize it’s preparedness and emergency response activities; develop plans for counseling and testing programs in Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda; provide recommendations to MOH and other national and international agencies; strengthen laboratory capacity; review and distribute International Rapid Assessment and Response Evaluation (I-RARE) curriculum; develop guidance documents; provide technical expertise assisting countries to develop, implement, and monitor HIV prevention programs within high risk populations; prepare country-wide immunization and treatment plans; assist in pandemic planning; establish and maintain relations with key country stakeholders; develop country level training strategies; plan and conduct meetings and conferences; engage in global management functions; establish and maintain partnerships with national and  public health organizations; prepare samples; manage laboratory materials; and provide laboratory testing support. In addition, we also provided administrative, graphics, training, accounting, resource and operational management personnel to support overall public health initiatives for educating, treating, and researching AIDS and HIV related issues. These services were supported by our domestic based headquarters team, in-country personnel, in-country partners and a host of consultants with domain expertise in key global public health focus areas.