Customer Testimonials

We are proud of providing our customers with exceptional support to achieve their goals. Our CPARS are frequently Exceptional and we strive to maintain the highest level of service. Here are some quotes from our CPARS demonstrating our dedication to quality service.

Very rarely have I encountered a contractor that really listens to an organization’s needs as much as the Total Solutions management team does. They also do an excellent job of keeping us informed and working issues. As a manager, I am very thankful for how proactive the management team is.” NASA Executive and Programmatic Support CPARS

Management of the contract across all areas – customer service, responsiveness, cooperative behavior, business relations and customer satisfaction – was very good. The contractor is customer-focused, often calling out of the blue to check in with the COR about contract performance and whether any issues had come up. That level of communication and openness is rare and is much appreciated by the program.” CDC CPARS

The contract company delivered direct training, advisory, and support services to many Air Force Medical Treatment Facilities that exceeded the standards set by the contract. Air Force Medical Readiness Agency (ARMRA) Electronic Health Records Support Services CPARS

A solid performance from the TSI Program Manager, Finance Manager and Finance Team during this rating period. Their on-time delivery of all financial products was good. They worked long hours to provide timely deliverables and performed work arounds when the system of record (Pivot) had challenges that compromised delivery of certain reports. FEMA Financial Management CPARS

The contractor provides quality work at a very reasonable price. The costs are very stable and consistent between offerings which is critical to our budget planning.” NASA Logistic Support CPARS

TSI successfully transformed the STEM Engagement Council into a highly energized and productive team. Under TSI’s leadership, the team initialed a new governance model that will provide oversight to how NASA implements the STEM Engagement function for the agency. TSI’s strong leadership skills eased the transition while facilitating the defining of the agency’s strategy for STEM engagement.” NASA Office of STEM Engagement CPARS

Management is very effective in determining the needs of the office and staffing accordingly. Management also does an exceptional job with ensuring the staff is cross trained and the customer is aware of any issues in regards to scheduling and ensuring the office is always supported.” NASA Administrative Support for the Office of Procurement CPARS